Season 2: Episode 3 -

Kassia Graham

Kassia Graham has more than two decades of experience working with diverse organizations including Fortune 500 companies, boutique agencies, non-profits, and more. As director of Community & Strategy they lead a variety of initiatives including community building, content creation, special/experiential events, marketing, branding, social media, and advocacy. Kassia directs the day to day at Cannabis for Black Lives (CfBL). CfBL is a charitable collective born out of Cannaclusive that galvanizes the greater hemp and cannabis industries to support cannabis equity––and adjacent––organizations that serve communities most impacted by the war on drugs.

A two-time cancer survivor, Kassia understands the importance of cannabis as a physical and mental healing aid. They are excited by innovations in technology and agriculture in cannabis and hemp. They have dedicated their life and career to making space for marginalized voices meeting at various intersections including LGBTQ2IA+, disabled, BIPOC, and more.

Kassia is a graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts where they majored in Film and Television, and minored in Art and Culture. They sit on the board of Broccoli Magazine’s Floret Coalition, are a member of the Oregon Cannabis Commission Health Equity Subcommittee, and consult on R&D with international cannabis brands. Beyond cannabis Kassia is he co-founder of the Black X Film Festival which focuses on sharing the stories of Black filmmakers.

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